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DRCPのTechnical White paper

11gの目玉の一つ、DRCP(Database Resident Connection Pooling)のTechnical White paperが出ています。

The key things I want to point out about DRCP are that even on commodity hardware you can scale dramatically - you don't need to wait until you have a big site to reap the benefits of pooling. The second thing is that the pool is on the DB side, so it works regardless of the number of web servers you have.

There is a technical White Paper: Database Resident Connection Pooling in Oracle Database 11g; a PHP specific whitepaper will be forthcoming.


PHP Clients using DRCP
Oracle plans to work closely with the open source community on enhancing the PHP OCI8 driver to leverage DRCP. This will enable PHP applications to maintain persistent connections with the database with minimal resource constraints.
