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the Month of PHP bugsの日本語訳

the Month of PHP Securityの日本語訳がyohgaki's blog – 書かない日記で公開され始めました。

the Month of PHP Bugsthe Hardened-PHP ProjectのStefan Esser氏によるもので、PHPコア(PHPで作られたアプリではなくPHP自身)のセキュリティ問題を対象としています。

This initiative is an effort to improve the security of PHP. However we will not concentrate on problems in the PHP language that might result in insecure PHP applications, but on security vulnerabilities in the PHP core. During March 2007 old and new security vulnerabilities in the Zend Engine, the PHP core and the PHP extensions will be disclosed on a day by day basis. We will also point out necessary changes in the current vulnerability managment process used by the PHP Security Response Team.